- Of all the pens he tried,only one is satisfactory. 在他所试的笔中,只有一支是令人满意的。
- The efficacy of the medicine is satisfactory. 这药的药效令人满意。
- The little that I have seen of his work is satisfactory. 他的工作就我所见的那一小部分而言是令人满意的。
- All is dependent on your decision. 一切看你的决心而定。
- All is satisfactory. 诸事顺心。
- I know that all is well with her. 我知道她一切都好。
- The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 这所房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意的。
- Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得做好。
- All is not gain that is put in the purse. 装进钱包里的不一定都是正当的收入。
- He is a pretty good comrade, when all is said and done. 不管怎么说,他总还是一个相当好的同志。
- Do you think he is satisfactory for the task? 你认为他适合那工作吗?
- The result is satisfactory in a way. 这个结果还算令人满意。
- This method of handling gypsum is satisfactory. 这种输送石膏的方法是令人满意的。
- The work is satisfactory but not outstanding. 工作做得可以,但不出色。
- Its sales record is satisfactory. 销售纪录不错。
- The television picture sent out from the Moon all is clearly clear so. 从月球发来的电视图像都是这样清楚明晰的。
- Everything is satisfactory except for the light. 除照明外,一切都令人满意。
- Not everything is satisfactory . 不是事事都令人满意。
- No sin at all is the dream of the angel. 不犯错误,那是天使的梦想。
- None of the options is satisfactory. 所选之物无一令人满意。